We’ve gone remote! During COVID-19 health protocols and social distancing, the Voyage Pictures team has moved to a remote model for the majority of our pre-production and post-production services. Our team is still available via e-mail and phone for all service needs. Interested in production work during this climate? Reach out to one of our Video Strategists to discuss up-to-date policies and regulations in the United States, as well as essential service exceptions for the State of Michigan for Video Production Services, Media & Communications. With changing policies on what services are deemed essential, our team can keep you up to date on if and when you are able to be filming productions for your organization.
Whether we are currently working with you or have helped you with past video strategies and content marketing needs, we recognize this climate is difficult for most businesses. Your services may be deemed essential and your organization is stretched thin. Your business may be out of work and temporarily closed. Either way, how can your video production partner help during this time? We have listed a few tangible things we are helping clients with during this time and they can be found in this memo from our Executive Producer.
Where filming is continuing, we’ve put together a handy list of standards our teams will be following for all sets. Voyage Pictures has been monitoring the situation regarding COVID-19 and in an effort to limit the risk for our clients, team and valuable crew we are enacting a series of preventative measures during all productions for the upcoming weeks. The following measures are guided by the recommendations and mandates of the CDC as well as industry experts.
Members of the Voyage Pictures team are working remotely to limit our potential for exposure.
For any film production or studio work, a series of strict sanitization and social distancing procedures have been set in place.
Pre-production planning, client meetings and crew sessions are happening via Zoom, Google hangouts, and phone.
All productions will be shifted to a limited set averaging 1-3 crew, and will always be limited to less than 10 people on set at all times. This includes production crew, cast, and clients.
Production crew and interviewees will remain 6-10+ ft apart during all aspects of production.
Production schedules will include time between all on-camera subjects arrival and exit times (actors and clients) to avoid physical interactions.
Any person present on set will be required to use hand sanitizer before entering the set.
Disinfectant wipes (that meet EPA guidelines for COVID-19) will be used on all equipment, props, chairs, and locations before and after each subject is on camera.
Craft Services for each production, when applicable, will be packaged separately rather than served catering style.
If you are looking for additional support, Voyage suggests the following and will update this information weekly during the current situation: